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Weekly IT Roundup 🤠

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Happy Friday, IT Professionals!

Today, we have a community highlight interview with William Lopez, one of our long-time Facebook group members.

Enjoy the interview with William!


Tech News TL;DR

This week’s IT and tech news in 5-minutes-ish or less


Artificial Intelligence


Looking for a Side Gig?

Looking for a side gig? You could be an online adjunct instructor for CompTIA!

  • $40-$70 per hour depending on the course.

  • Need to have the CompTIA certification you’re teaching for.

  • Preference given to those with teaching experience (in IT or other topics).

  • Qualify for free CompTIA certifications.

Class schedules are usually evenings (US/UK) and are fixed so you know exactly when you have to be there. All you need is a quiet work space to teach, a commitment to the class schedule, and a passion to help others in IT.

Community Highlights 🚀

Member Highlight

In today’s newsletter, we’re featuring William Lopez!

Enjoy this short interview with William!

You mentioned starting with Comptia certifications and hands-on projects while working multiple jobs. What were some of the biggest challenges you faced during this period, and how did you overcome them?

The most difficult challenge was learning efficiently. I did not have much time on my hands so I was forced to stay up usually until 2am before having to wake up around 6am to get the work-day started. I was able to overcome them by reminding myself every night that I have to do it for my family and for our future. Persistence, focus and sacrifice was the key.

Transitioning from a multi-job schedule to a career in IT must have been quite a journey. What was the most rewarding aspect of this transition for you, and what advice would you give to others facing similar challenges?

The most rewarding aspects were the ability to learn multiple peoples viewpoints, lifestyles and challenges. It really allowed me to network with people of all walks of life.  It was never a dull moment but I knew it would all be worth it in the end. I would tell others facing similar challenges to stay persistent on the daily routine of study, work rinse and repeat. Never forget who you are doing it for.

Working for the local government and then transitioning to a casino's IT department seems like a significant shift. Can you share some key learnings or experiences from your time at each job that have helped shape your career path?

Some key experiences I learned while working local government is the ability to communicate complex IT problems to “Normal people talk” so they understand what I am doing and why.

Your story highlights the importance of continuous learning and education. How do you manage to balance work, studying for certifications, and personal time, especially considering your demanding schedule?

I manage my time with lots of notes and schedule reminders for my to-do lists. I learned that you really have to squeeze a little time through the day and incorporate IT studying into daily activities. It can be done with anything. While driving to/from work. They say the greatest ideas come while on the toilet.

Starting a small IT services company alongside your full-time job demonstrates a strong entrepreneurial spirit. What motivated you to pursue this venture, and what are some key lessons you've learned along the way?

The motivation to pursue this venture was actually interestingly enough, losing the last part time job I had alongside my full-time IT job. I figured why not just be my own boss. I did some critical thinking and did my best to mimic the strategies my previous IT jobs did to get customers. Some of the key lessons i have learned are to never give up on the business because business will slow and it will be busy at times. The key is to stick around. Learn from other businesses.  “Mimicry is the greatest form of flattery”

You mentioned networking as a crucial factor in landing your positions. Could you elaborate on how networking has played a role in your career progression, and do you have any tips for others looking to leverage networking effectively?

This is by far THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect of IT. Forget the certifications, forget the experience. It is WHO you know that matters. Even if you know very little, being well connected is going to get you through the door. It is the certifications and knowledge that will keep you in the room. Tips I would recommend are using social media, talking to employment advisors in the unemployment office, talking to customers at the various places you worked, talking to family, talking to mentors. You would be surprised about the amount of people that will help, all you need to do is ask. “A closed mouth will never get fed”

Throughout your journey, what support systems or resources have been most helpful to you in achieving your goals, whether it's in terms of career development or personal well-being?

“There is nothing stronger than family”

Looking ahead, what are some of your aspirations or goals within the field of IT, and how do you plan to continue growing both professionally and personally?

Some goals I have in mind are to expand my business to help support other small businesses. I also would like to keep helping out the various non-profits with IT support in any way I can. I will continue to keep learning to acquire higher IT certifications because you never know when you might get lucky. “Luck is where opportunity meets preparation” 

Anything else you’d like people to know about yourself or projects you’re working on?
I am always open to learning about new opportunities. I would like to connect with other driven IT people in the support group and help us all grow at the same time. The group has become my hub for help on the toughest days so I thank you all for that!

Tech Support Gore 🤘

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