5 Minute Career Advice for The Needy

Plus: T-Mobile Pwned Again, Uber CSO Avoids the Clink and Shopify Cans 20%

This is an IT Support Group
Weekly IT Roundup 🤠

Happy Friday, IT Professional!

I’m rolling this one out from our new email platform, BeeHiiv!

Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this issue and check out our referral system.

It’s simple — Share your personal link with friends who would enjoy our newsletter.

If they subscribe, you get free sh*t.

Also, be sure to check out 5-minute career Advice towards the bottom. I poured my soul into it and believe it’s important.

see ya next Friday! 🫡


Tech News TL;DR

This week’s IT and tech news in 5 minutes or less


Business & Economy

Artificial Intelligence


Sick and tired of managing printers? 🖨️

us too…

Dealing with print issues doesn’t have to suck.

Not convinced?

Print Partner is the trusted print vendor that hundreds of MSPs across the country introduce their clients to.

And for good reason.

Print Partner benefits their partners in a couple ways:

  • They pay $250 for every referral

  • They pay $1000 for every copier sold to a client

  • Print Partner protects MSPs from random print vendors who also offer MSP service

  • Print Partner has a non-compete, so they won’t steal your clients!

Print Partner also teams up with your MSP on installation provides ongoing support for your customers so they have a flawless experience. ✨

That means you can put your baseball bat back in your kid’s room.

Stop stressing.

Start getting paid.

Reach out to Print Partner today and stop hating printers.

Community Highlights

This week’s top posts from This is an IT Support Group

IT Support Meme of the Week

Fuck it, two memes for you on this Friday.



“Mike O Hearn” is the dude in this meme template…if you were wondering like we were.

Tech Support Gore of the Week


A New Segment

Our newsletter got a sexy new platform and revamp.

Our content is getting the same treatment!

🥁 Introducing…

5 Minute Career Advice ⏱️ 👨‍💼

There was a post in our Facebook group from a fellow who was complaining about getting fired multiple times with “no reason”. I’m sure there’s a reason, but I’m not here to guess.

What struck me even more was what he said about his previous job:

There was almost no work to do. Most days I'd deal with 1 ticket a day. Sometimes none. They let me go saying there was a lack of work to do but also mentioned it was due to me looking at non-work related websites during the 7 hours a day I had nothing to do.

anonymous stranger


I’m sorry anon, but…no shit?

I mean, maybe you’d still have gotten canned had you put those hours to use and helped improved things. But, somewhere deep down in my soul I feel that you would have had a better shot if you…actually did some work?

I was in this position once. I had a job where my boss was in another office and we hardly ever spoke. We talked once a week, if that. Work moved slowly. People I waited on from other teams were slow. I began to pick up the same habits. I finished my work slowly because that was the standard. After all, you could just pick up the pace a little bit and be the hero.

Why try harder? Reddit was full of hilarious memes and special-interest subreddits for any hobby you had. Why not do your work in the morning and just look at memes the rest of the day? Or not even do your work?

The dopamine drip is addictive and powerful.

I could’ve coasted at that company. No one was making high demands of me.

But…I began to feel my motivation and interest decline. I burnt time on dumb websites and waited for the clock to hit 5 pm.

I wasn’t mature enough to manage myself then and I ended up moving on to a job where there was much higher amounts of accountability demanded. I needed it.

We all look at reddit or other social media, dm friends and aren’t working on-task 100% of the time. That’s understandable and healthy. I’m not asking anyone to be 100% productive. That’s unreasonable. Breaks keep us healthy and sharp.


If two, three, four or more hours of your workday are being completely wasted just sitting around bullshitting on reddit or random websites…

I think you should make some serious changes.

With all your free time you should be improving the system of the business.

Start to look at the business as a system with inputs and outputs.

Money is an input and output.

It goes in and out of businesses all day long.

Businesses want to save money or make more money.

Despite your thoughts on capitalism, you should learn how to exploit it and save your company money or make your company money.

Applied to IT, maybe you’re writing scripts that cut hours long processes into ones that take minutes.

Maybe you’re writing documentation with ChatGPT.

When you save the business money or make it more money, you will become indispensable, sought-after and highly paid.

OR maybe…

You hate your job, no one is watching you and you really could give two fucks less about the bottom line.

In that case, work on yourself! Improve your own market value by studying for certifications, reading books, setting up lab environments or exploring other high-value skills.

You don’t need to go 100% all-in on this stuff. Just enough to hedge your bets and be risk-averse.

It’s always nice to have options.

BTW — Should I write 5-minute career advice again next week?

Tell me. 👇

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Today’s Issue was brought to you by Stetson Blake and was written somewhere near the ocean

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