How can I get into IT?

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Hey there future IT pro! (or current IT pro)

By far the most commonly asked question in our group is…

How do I get started in IT?

See previous posts here and here

There’s lots of advice in those posts, but I wanted to dispense some of my own learnings.

Pick up some certifications

Certifications are paid credentials that certify you know the material they cover. Introductory IT certificates are offered by organizations like CompTIA, who offers the A+, Security+ and Network+ (among lots of other certs).

The A+ is probably the most common “IT” cert and covers introductory computer principles.

Other organizations that offer certs are AWS, the Linux foundation and Cisco.

Consider schooling

In 2024, there are a variety of options of degree programs who people looking to get into IT. Wester Governor’s University is a great choice (not sponsored) because they are affordable and regionally accredited. You’ll also pick up a ton of certs in the process of getting a degree.

Degrees are by no means necessary, but can definitely be helpful.

Study on your own

Learn things on your own and consider building a home lab. Basic computers and servers can be had for cheap and can teach you a ton. If you want to get into software development, teach yourself to code and build websites. So many tools are open-source these days, you can really learn a lot for free or cheap!

Pick up books on IT topics that interest you (I wrote one on Linux, called Shell Samurai, btw).

Be curious and hungry to learn!

Network like hell

Networking isn’t just meeting people, but also making your current network aware that you’re looking for an entry-level role in IT. If this is your goal, you should let every person you know about your plans to get into IT. You never know who may be able to help out or is working at a company that may be hiring.

Having a presence on LinkedIn and other social media sites can help with this too. Show off the projects and self-study from the previous points on these sites.

Keep at it

Yes, there are people saying it’s hard to get into IT right now. Economic threats and thing like AI are on the horizon, but in my opinion, that’s absolutely no reason to not try. I think the outlook for IT professionals is still very strong and will remain that way for a while. There are so many specializations within IT to get into!

If you want to get into IT, I believe you can.

If you’re trying to get into IT right now, what problems are you having?

Please reply to this email, I read every response and I’d be happy to help!


ps: I’m not sure about the future of AI, but I do know that IT professionals that use AI are going to be more valuable than those who don’t.

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