2024 IT Salary Report open!

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This is an IT Support Group
Weekly IT Roundup 🤠

Touch Eyeballs to Screen for Cheap Lasery Surgery

Happy Friday, IT Professionals!

We’ve got a bundle of IT and cyber sec news coming at ya.

I’m also excited to announce that our OPEN IT SALARY REPORT is open for 2024.

Here’s the deal:

  • Take the survey in 5 minutes or less

  • When the survey closes, we’ll open up the results and send them to everyone who participated.

It’s a great way to learn about salaries in the IT field and the factors that influence them: location, education, years of experience, etc.

If you’re up for it, take the survey here


Tech News TL;DR

This week’s IT and tech news in 5-minutes-ish or less


Artificial Intelligence


Looking for a Side Gig?

Looking for a side gig? You could be an online adjunct instructor for CompTIA!

  • $40-$70 per hour depending on the course.

  • Need to have the CompTIA certification you’re teaching for.

  • Preference given to those with teaching experience (in IT or other topics).

  • Qualify for free CompTIA certifications.

Class schedules are usually evenings (US/UK) and are fixed so you know exactly when you have to be there. All you need is a quiet work space to teach, a commitment to the class schedule, and a passion to help others in IT.

Community Highlights 🚀

Built-in USB port on the home theatre seats at a friend’s house is outputting 30v and has killed a phone, a Wii u tablet, and my USB port tester

Time to Add AI to Your Portfolio

Major clients like Hasbro, MGM, and Sweetgreen — 6,000+ investors already trust RAD including VCs, Fidelity and execs from Google/Amazon. Over $27M invested, backed by Adobe Fund for Design.

RAD AI award-winning tech is transforming digital communications. The AI is trained to tell brands who their customer is and how to best message them.  3X revenue growth.  Trusted by Hasbro, MGM, Sweetgreen and 6000+ investors. Secure your shares.

83% Subscribed, Invest Before Feb. 16th, Closing Soon.

Tech Support Gore 🤘

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See ya next week!


ITSG Founder