Should I learn to code as an IT professional?

Hey IT pro,

I often get asked if IT professionals should learn to code.

My answer is always a resounding ABSOLUTELY, YES.

At least at a basic level.

And yes, “scripting” counts as coding.

You see, learning to code can amplify everything you do.

Automate the Boring Stuff

Many services you interact with day-to-day now offer a REST API. With an API, you can spin up scripts and programs that automate boring tasks.

Or maybe you want to make a self-service web portal for users to track inventory.

With the advent of AI, it’s even easier to learn to code these days. You can simply fire up ChatGPT, ask questions and copy and paste code until you get what you want.

Being able to move quickly is such a distinct advantage.

You Could be a Software Dev Full-Time

PLUS: You might learn that you want to take your IT career into the Software Development direction, like I did.

Despite the doom and gloom, there are still software developer positions that pay well and offer engaging work environments.

Although AI is threatening some jobs…AI tooling is opening up more opportunity now too.

You could use OpenAI or other companies APIs to integrate ChatGPT into your own scripts and applications.

I think this is super-exciting.

Of course, you don’t have to change career paths to get value from learning to code. If you work in any other IT role, coding is still useful.

How do I learn to code?

Learning to code can be daunting. There’s just SO MUCH.

My advice: Learn python and learn HTML/CSS and Javascript.

Use python to write code that can run on servers.

Use HTML/CSS/Javascript to write web applications that users interact with.

Then, use either of these sets of languages to build something that solves your own problem.

Find a boring process that takes a lot of time and see how you can use code to make it easier.

Or make that Craft Brewery Review App you always wanted into a website.

Don’t know how to take python and turn your code into a working app?

Throw your idea into ChatGPT and ask it how!

Maybe you’ll sell for millions one day 🙂 

BTW, you should check out today’s partner newsletter, A Byte Of Coding.

They’re a newsletter geared towards Professional Software Engineering, but I think anyone can learn from them.

Just hit the link below for more details

A Byte of CodingTechnical Content for Polyglot Software Engineers


Got other questions about learning to code?

Reply back to me, I’m happy to help you out and I read every damn email!
