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This is an IT Support Group
Weekly IT Roundup 🤠

Touch Eyeballs to Screen for Cheap Lasery Surgery

Happy Friday, IT professional!

Monday, May 20th, I’ll be going live with N-Able Head Nerd Lewis Pope to chat about Contending with Modern Threats With Limited Resources. Hit the link and hit the bell to get reminded when we go live!

It’s been 2 weeks since we launched IT Support Group Premium. Members get access to weekly office-hours calls and our private discord to network with others. Check it out!

We’ve made some changes to our referral program — our first prize is a Resume Template. Refer just one friend to this newsletter and you can claim it. Check out the details at the bottom of this email.


Tech News TL;DR

This week’s IT and tech news in 5-minutes-ish or less


Artificial Intelligence


Community Highlights 🚀

5 Minute Career Advice

Have you tried “cold outreach” when you’re looking for a job?

It works.

Cold outreach just means opening up a conversation with someone you don’t know.

A “warm” message is one with someone you already know.

A member of our premium group shared this message with me that he sent on LinkedIn.

It helped him get his first IT job!

It’s such a simple tactic…but it works!

Tech Support Gore 🤘

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See ya next week!


ITSG Founder