🛶 Mutiny on the Bounty -- Stetson adrift?

Tech Tales & Mutiny on the Bounty -- IT Edition. From Icelandic Adventures to Data Breach Dramas, Dive into This Week's Wildest Tech News & Events!

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This is an IT Support Group
Weekly IT Roundup 🤠🛶

Touch Eyeballs to Screen for Cheap Lasery Surgery

Happy Saturday guys!

Ed here, temporarily commandeering the newsletter ship while Stetson sails the high seas (and struggles with Icelandic mobile data). Can you believe he let me near this newsletter again? 😄

FYI — I used to churn out these newsletters on the regular & still admin the group. Whilst I’m here again, a quick shameless plug of my InfoSec rantings in another corner of the internet, “InfoSec Experts Group”. If you're into that sort of thing, click here and swing by!

Anyway, let’s dive into the tech adventures of the week. Strap in for a ride—I promise it'll be less bumpy than Stetson's internet connection!

-Ed (& Stetson)

Tech News TL;DR

This week’s IT and tech news in 5-minutes-ish or less


Artificial Intelligence


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Community Highlights 🚀

5 Minute Career Advice

Don’t let a British dude hijack your newsletter... JK!
Here’s some quick tips for you guys:

Continuous Learning 🎓: Dedicate at least 30 minutes each day to learning something new in your field, whether it's a new technology, a troubleshooting technique, or an industry trend. This habit will keep your skills sharp and relevant.

Career Goals 💼: Set clear career goals and periodically assess your progress towards achieving them. Whether it's mastering a specific technology, obtaining a certification, or aiming for a leadership role, having defined goals can guide your professional development.

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Tech Support Gore 🤘

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See ya next week!


ITSG Founder